A live presentation incorporating multi video and effect
projectors exploring the relationships and interactions of
colors mixed within the beauty of liquid fractal images,
moire' effects, kaleidoscopes, mandalas, liquid oils, and strobe
lighting blended with pointed imagery and assorted video effects that
can be customized for any occasion.
This show is MIXED LIVE to the accompaniment of music - your live music
or our pre-recorded music - and no two shows are ever the same! The
length of the show can vary from one hour to all night affairs
depending on what's desired. Small to very large displays are possible
and are sized according to the venue.
This colorful eye catching display is suitable for
festivals, concerts, parties, or fundraisers and can be
customized with your preferred artwork, video clips, band (or) DJ's
name, venue name & logo... even the logos of the event's
This customized material can be seamlessly blended and mixed into the
actual display itself. Multiple effects for every show are uniquely
positioned and layered according to the demands of each venue.
Projections can be on single or multiple screens, large light colored
walls, trees, etc.
This show is great wherever lighting can be controlled and for
nighttime events & festivals featuring live DJ's, pre-recorded
music, or any other act that may benefit from a large, dazzling display
of designs, color, and movement as a unique backdrop for their
We can turn any event into a large, colorful, visual treat!


April 12, 2007 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
In celebration of "OPTIC NERVE: PERCEPTUAL
ART OF THE 60's" the museum will host a performance by "THE SOLAR FIRE
LIGHTSHOW", a stunning psychedelic experience of light and color! DJs
Killer B and Captain Lonesome will provide the night's soundtrack
spinning the best garage and psychedelic music of the 60's.
Admission is free. Please call 614-629-0355
for more information.Columbus Museum of Art - 480 E Broad St. Columbus,
OH 43215 info@columbusmuseum.org
Friday, April 20, 2007
NLQP's annual 420 show where the Early Birds
gather to break the cabin fever!
FRIDAY NIGHT 4/20 - The Zen Tricksters, The
Fareed Haque Group, Groove Prophets, and The Solar Fire Lightshow!
SATURDAY NIGHT 4/21 - One Under, Moser
Woods, Ep3, The Chicago Afrobeat Project, Jim Miller Band, Big
Brother's Brother, Jones 4 Revival, AudioEuphoria, with Screens by
Nelson Ledges Quarry Park - (440) 548-2716
12001 State Route 282 (Nelson Ledge Road)
Nelson/Garrettsville,Ohio 44231
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Doors @ 8:00 PM. The SOLAR FIRE LIGHTSHOW will be doing their unique
visuals for the Byron Nemeth Group's CD Release party at the Jigsaw
Saloon. See: http://www.byronnemeth.com for all
the details. Joining them will be GRAVITY, EGO, and ROB METZ.
The Jigsaw Concert Club - (216) 299-7199
5324 State Rd. Parma, Ohio
Band to play NEARFEST on SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd 2007 *
STRANGE TRIPS is pleased to announce
that the legendary British space rock band Hawkwind will headline the
ninth annual NEARfest in Bethlehem, PA this year - giving hope that
perhaps news of a US Tour isn't far behind! We'll keep our eyes and
ears open for further news and post any
new information we may receive.
Led by guitarist, keyboardist and vocalist
Dave Brock, Hawkwind has earned world-wide renown for their 36 year
musical mission to explore inner and outer space. From their genre
defining classic albums "Space Ritual", "Hall of the Mountain Grill",
and "Warrior on the Edge of Time" to their newest recording "Take Me to
Your Leader" the band has blasted through the cosmos with their
progressive hard rock guitar and keyboard led attack, sci-fi themed
lyrics, and memorable songs.
(and) http://www.Hawkwind.com
* pending expected visa approval
James L. Lascko
On this July 3rd - the eve of the
celebration of our country's birth - it would be much more appropriate
for us to be mourning the "Death of America" at the hands of the greedy
and brutal Bush administration rather than attempting to celebrate the
actual principles and high ideals that helped give birth to the bold
experiment of a democratic republic governed "by the people for the
Our firework celebrations should be solemn
this year rather than merry! Any thinking person will realize that the
celebratory explosions are merely echoing the lethal bombs going off
around the world as the Bush administration attempts to shove its
greedy, ill conceived, and short sighted policies down the throats of
resisting people worldwide at the point of the world's largest gun.
GONE is diplomacy... GONE is reason... GONE
are the very ideals that once made America the beacon of freedom and
hope for ALL the oppressed people of this world.
It has been replaced with unparalleled
corporate greed, crushing governmental corruption, and incredibly
ignorant and heavy handed arrogance on the part of America's so called
leaders as they strip away our rightful heritage - and our future -
along with our basic civil rights.
The last time these things were witnessed on
such a massive scale was in Nazi Germany at the beginning of World War
II when mindless and slavish obedience to the German's "State Policy"
trumped any thought of Human Rights or Dignity! It took most of the
world allied together to beat back the threat that was posed by Nazi
Germany as their totalitarian regime waged a war of aggression on
country after country after country.
The stakes have only gone up over time
simply because there are more people living in this world with
constantly shrinking resources to go around. Our new technology has
enslaved us, not freed us!
It has increased the danger to peace loving
people everywhere with its computerized high tech weaponry of planes,
smart bombs, missiles, drones, etc. all controlled by governmentally
brainwashed "do-anything-for-a-buck-plus-benefits" people sitting in
front of monitor screens and likening their sterile actions to playing
a video game... rather than actually killing people by the tens of
thousands with just a push of a button mounted on a joystick!
Can anyone now doubt that conditioning our
youth to electronic games and video screens over the last 20 years was
for any other reason?
On this 4th of July people need to sit down
and watch the movie "Schindler's List" to remind themselves of just
what happens when greedy and small minded megalomaniacs run the
government with no opposition at all from their people - when "The Law"
is only what THEY say it is!
There are what's known as the "Laws of God",
"Laws of Nature", and "Laws of Man"... and the United States of America
has been violating them all for years with absolute impunity!
When will a "Summit of Civilized Nations" be
called forth in order to address the problem of the United States of
America running wild throughout the world - just as we once needed to
band together in order to fight the threat of a rising Nazi Germany?
Eisenhower warned us about this very moment
in his farewell speech of 1961 when he said...
"In the councils of government, we must
guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought
or unsought, by the military/industrial complex. The potential for the
disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this
combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should
take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can
compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery
of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and
liberty may prosper together". - Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961
And from someone else who knew firsthand...
"Fascism should rightly be called
corporatism, as it is a merger of state and corporate power". - Benito
The time is here.. the time is now!
Stand up for what America is supposed to be
about and let the sound of freedom, not oppression, ring across our
Strange Trips has recently
learned that one of SpaceRock's most talanted and stalwart US
supporters, DOUG WALKER (founder and driving force behind the band
ALIEN PLANETSCAPES) had unexpectedly died of a heart attack on April 4,
2006 at his home in Queens, NY.
He follows his beloved late wife Fran into
"The Last Great Unknown" and will be greatly missed by us all! Doug was
a musician's musician and equally at ease whether performing on stage,
or discussing various aspects of advanced musical theory in a classroom
Politically astute (resulting from his
coming of age in the turbulent 60's and 70's) he was greatly dismayed
by this country's recent attack on our civil liberties and it's
resulting slide towards fascism.
His band ALIEN PLANETSCAPES had appeared at
many of our past shows and Strange Daze Festivals to literally stagger
the audience with their unique and high-powered brand of tightly woven
SpaceRock. Doug was extremely prolific in his musical career and
produced many live recordings of his original compositions over the
years - made mostly available on cassette tapes.
May God Bless you, Doug! It was my pleasure
to have known you and it's my sincere hope that He will reunite you
with your dear wife on some distant sunny shore...
Scott Heller (shll@hagedorn.dk)
and Jerry Kranitz (jkranitz@aural-innovations.com)
have plans to put some items concerning Alien Planetscapes on a new
site http://www.Alienplanetscapes.com
that Scott is developing. Please contact them if you should have any
photographs, articles, reviews, interviews, etc. concerning AP that you
are willing to share.
Condolences, pictures, special memories, or
a few simple words of encouragement may be sent to:
The Walker Family
191-32 116 Ave.
St. Albans, NY 11412
FEST taking place May 19th/21st.
This event will combine the OHIO ROCK 'N
REGGAE FESTIVAL with Nelson Ledges' first ever ART & MUSIC
Artists include...Carlos Jones and the Plus
Band... Jim Miller Band...Bob Niederriter Quartet... Sultans Of Bing...
Boombox... The Ark Band... Willy Mac Music... Hypnotic Clambake...
Mifune... Sage... The Kellys... with art showings and vendors such as
Julie Leatherbarrow (Leatherbarrow Glasswerks)... Sam Vecchio &
Patti (Cosmic Glass)... Cindy Chmielewski (Paintings)... Jim Sharrer
(Matchstick Art)... Victoria Miller (Paint on Wood)... and John "Pops"
Dickerson (Photography).
Nelson Ledges has some mighty fine camping
with cool quarry lake swimming - and lots of good people hang out
there! A VERY MELLOW AND LAID BACK PLACE... so be sure to join us for
some FUN IN THE SUN and get this summer off to a good start!
LIGHTSHOW will be making an appearance at the 2nd CLEVELAND PROGRESSIVE
taking place Saturday June 10th, 2006 at the JIGSAW CONCERT CLUB
located at 5324 State Road Parma, Ohio - just 3 blocks South off
I-480's State Rd. Exit.
Appearing (in this
order) will be Ego, Rare Blend, Byron Nemeth Group, and KMOB. Special
guest MC will be Randy Allar of CSU's The Fusion Show on FM 89.3 Doors
open at 8pm Only $5 for 21 and over and $8 for those who are 18-21.
The last one was a
complete blast! It's a beautiful new concert club with GREAT SOUND and
excellent views of the stage, very good and reasonbly priced food -
plus a large selection of your favorite beers! Stop in and check it
out... I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
The next "SACHSENHEIM BALL" is going to
happen on 4/20 and THE SOLAR FIRE LIGHTSHOW is proud to be part of the
April, 20, 2006 at Sachsenheim's Hall
7001 Denison Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102
$12 adv / $15 dos
All sides of town will come together on 4/20
for a good time grass roots blow-out featuring the hippest electronica,
turntablism, beatboxing, independent film, interactive art displays,
live bands, unreal lightshows, incredible vegan cooking, highly skilled
baristas, and artists of all stripes from the city of Cleveland and
beyond - all packed into an elegant, 3 story, multi-chambered event
Artists participating will be: Mifune...
Sultans of Bing... Carlos Jones & the PLUS Band... Xe La...
ModQuad... Waterband... Neil Chastain... JP and the Chatfield Boys...
ULTRALAST... Smiley Baldazar... Echo Canyon Players... The Caribou
Foot... The Groove Prophets... The People's Republic of Gefiltestan...
One Way Rider... Cuyuga... DC & The Continentals... Hot Sauce
Gravy... Corinne Noelle... Kevin McCarthy... Ryann Anderson... JiMiller
Band... Jane Dough... Newport... Danny Longhair... Willy Mac Music...
John Welton... Chase The Tale... E-roc Sosinski... The Brian Combs
Experience... The Solar Fire Lightshow... Grumpy... and so much more,
more, more.
Plenty of non-alcoholic beverages will be
available with an all night tea house courtesy of the Lakewood Phoenix
Coffee House. The Ball is a chance for everybody sweet to meet and
Beginning with the Hawklords in 1978, HARVEY
BAINBRIDGE has proven himself to be one of the longest tenured HAWKWIND
veterans to date. A one man dynamo, he surrounds himself on stage with
keyboards, synthesizers, and samplers. Harvey is known lyrically for
his socially relevant commentaries and can soothe you with
dreamy, spacey ambiance - or jolt your consciousness awake with his
trancey, pulsating beats and direct vocal approach! His signature
Hawkwind compositions such as "Dream Worker", "The Changing", "T.V.
Suicide", and "Back in the Box" shows that Harvey has an acerbic wit
and very keen observation while his contributions to Hawkwind classics
like "Valium Ten", "Free Fall", "Angel Voices", "Coded Languages",
"Dust of Time", "Mutation Zone", "Joker at the Gate", and the
increasingly prophetic "Fall of Earth City" have helped Hawkwind
maintain their legendary underground status. For more information
please visit: http://harvey.strange-trips.com
SPACESEED hails from Atlanta, GA and play
their own unique brand of spacey, high energy, rock & roll...
loud, raucous, and almost punk-ish at times! They released "Future
Cities of the Past Pt. 1" and did a 13 date US tour with NIK TURNER in
2004. This year they joined forces with HARVEY BAINBRIDGE and will
release "The Empire of Night" on the newly formed Zeta Reticuli label.
assaulting, mind bending, psychedelic stew of colorful geometric
designs, B/W moires', oil wheels, strobes, and more - all combined with
some very striking images of deep space and beautiful alien
planetscapes! They've toured with HAWKWIND, OZRIC TENTACLES, GONG,
PORCUPINE TREE, and NIK TURNER and have done light shows for many
others over the years. To view photos of past shows online please
visit: http://strange-trips.com/ozrics
(and) http://harvey.strange-trips.com/04.htm
Tour Venue Links:
Terry will be the Compere/DJ at this year's "Spacerock Spectacular" at
Bicester, Oxford on September 30th starting at 7pm. Expect an "aural
massage" of searing Space-Rock, Electro-Synth and Ambient pulsations.
Five bands will be playing live: Modal Logic, Grooveweird,
Bubbledubble, Underground Zero, and Assassins of Silence.
Searching for psychedelic eye candy for your head?
And while you're visiting them be sure to look into the fabulous
PSYTOPIA festival that they are putting on in Jamaica this coming
August: It's shaping up to become THE EVENT of
the year!
Anubian Light's
"PHANTASCOPE" is to be released this winter and a five piece line up is
gearing up to play the first shows in 2 years. A video for the song
"Wild Winter" is due out soon and the new Anubian Lights LP with Lydia
Lunch will be out this September on Atavistic.
The Anubian Lights track
'Walking Eagle" appears on the Haack LP [Eenie Meenie] and also
features Stereolab, Mouse on Mars, Dimitry, Beck, Dj me/dj you, The
Eels, etc. This release will coincide with the release of the movie
Chermitt the Atmosphere
(a NEW Space/Krautpop project from Grenas, Kirk, Fox, and Guttmacher)
is in its finishing stages. The new LP will be called Krautmask Replica
and negotiations are now in progress. It should be coming out this fall.
Farflung are currently
recording their 5th LP and it's going great! An extended space opus is
brewing - and that's just what's to be expected from California's
premier Space Travelers!
Plans to tour are in the
HERE are
some great photographs (courtesy of Cindy Kunst & Susan J.
Weiand) along with some smaller
video captures of the Ozric Tentacles 2005 US Tour recently
completed with The Solar Fire Lightshow - in place of their usual Fruit
Salad Lights - because of a sudden emergency.
It was a great time for
me and many people came out to see the Ozric's once again! Many thanks
to the band - Ed, John, Brandi, Metro, and Justin... their crew... and
all the many other individuals that helped them through the states this
time around.
Strange Trips wishes
Jasper (from Fruit Salad Lights) good luck and a most speedy recovery!
We sincerely hope and pray that he's up and running again at full
throttle very soon.
We would also like to
thank the Ozric Tentacles for giving The Solar Fire Lightshow an
opportunity to at least TRY to fill his extremely large shoes! ;-)
Thanks to all that came out to the recent Nik Turner & Harvey
shows in Cleveland, Ohio. Nik Turner, Spaceseed, Harvey Bainbridge,
Cotton Casino & company... they all turned in great sets and
really enjoyed gettting together once again! A few photos
Check out Harvey Bainbridge's
page: http://Harvey.Strange-Trips.com
containing a short biography, discography, CD reviews, and sample
tracks from all of Harvey's releases - including the songs he did with
Hawkwind! You can also buy Harvey's previous releases on this site that
are now available as very good quality CD-R's. Must haves for any
Hawkwind fan!

Wot?... No Festivals? Never mind - Come to the Real Music Club!
Support this proposed monthly event
featuring Real Festival Music bands
and others at The Marlborough Theatre (Upstairs at the Marlborough Pub)
4 Princes St, Brighton, Sussex.
For upcoming shows and more complete information please see: